Fireman Sam Wiki

Mandy Flood is a seven-year-old girl in the series. She first appeared in Series 5.


Mandy is the daughter of Mike and Helen Flood, Malcolm Williams' niece and Granny William’s granddaughter. She likes to accompany her mum on her visits as a nurse.

She and her family live in a house on the outskirts of Pontypandy.

Mandy mentioned in a Series 5 episode that she had a cousin.


Mandy is a rough and tumble tomboy and is always testing the parameters of the world. When she grows up, she will probably be a round-the-world yachtswoman, a movie stunt coordinator or a nurse just like her mother.

When she was introduced in the fifth series, she was a troublemaker like Norman, but more aware of rules then he is. She and Norman often appeared alongside in each other, and acted troublesome in contrast with Sarah and James' more well-behaved personalities.

