Fireman Sam Wiki
Saturn main

Saturn is a quad-copter drone fitted out for firefighting work and rescue of people.


Saturn has two controllers; the main controller is the one used to steer Saturn around and its screen is linked to Saturn's camera. The other control is like a sat navigation as the screen shows exactly where Saturn is on the map. It often assists with its infrared camera which gives them the ability to find people by sensing the persons' heat signature and relaying the thermal image to the controller.

Saturn is kept in the equipment locker at the fire station or loaded into Venus when they are out. In one episode, Saturn was loaded onto Jupiter.

Elvis is the main operator of Saturn.


Episodes Elvis Operated Saturn[]

Episodes Sam Operated Saturn[]

Episodes Penny Operated Saturn[]

Episodes Station Officer Steele Operated Saturn[]

Episodes Arnold Operated Saturn[]

Episodes Ellie Operated Saturn[]


  • In Wild Cheese Chase Saturn broke after falling, so it could not be used in the next emergency.
  • During Series 11 Saturn was not required for any emergencies.
  • Although Elvis did not operate Saturn during tests at the fire station, he was the first to operate it during an actual emergency.
  • Saturn gets upgraded in the Series 14 episode, The Moon Men Are Coming.

